First let me apologize to the family of Mrs. Thompson who Debbie (she doesn't deserve to be called Mrs. Willis anymore) has regrettably drug into her vindictive little world that she calls a blog. The fact that she would use the unfortunate death of Mrs. Thompson to further her vengeful attack on Southern Manatee's personnel, sickens me and probably anyone else who reads her blog. I really don't know I continue to read her propaganda. Maybe it's because I get a little chuckle from her slanted view or maybe it's because I feel the need to defend our honor. Either way, it's getting to the point that I feel like I am the only idiot reading her blog.
After reading her attack on Commissioner Reuben, I decided to do a little digging myself. I think it's hypocritical for someone to mention Reuben's list of accidents when she herself had 3 traffic violations last year, in less than 12 months! How does she still have a drivers license! And not to mention Douglas Willis who plead guilty to eluding police, reckless driving, and carrying a concealed weapon! Thank God there was no one riding a bike while he was fleeing the police!
I must say, for a woman who preaches of fiscal responsibility and misappropriation of funds, I am offended at the rocks that you continue to throw in your FORECLOSED glass house! The fact that you are still living in a house that is no longer yours makes me sick! Where I come from that's called STEALING! You preach your conservative values yet you yourself are exactly the problem! It sucks when someone starts digging up your past and personal misfortunes, doesn't it?
Bringing up the unfortunate past of others while you yourself have your own skeletons, is
hypocrytical in my book.
I read her blog too and it sickens me. Im not surprised to see that her home is in foreclosure. Maybe we'll get lucky and the bank will throw her out of our district!