Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's a's a plane..... No it's the Defender of the fire district!!

It's so tiresome listening to you ramble about how much Ruben is unfit for his job, the union is hurting the district, blah blah blah .  Since you are the self proclaimed "Defender of the fire district" why haven't you questioned why Commissioner Barry, until recently, hadn't attended the commission meetings for many months over the last year?  He had been gone for so long they took his name plate down and moved everyone over one seat. Maybe it's because you never stepped foot in the commission meetings until your precious Rainey was in fear of losing his job.  This is why the firemen feel you are a hypocrite!  You continually bash and point fingers at the men that the firefighters support, yet you turn a blind eye to anything your boys (Hennessey, Barry, Gover, etc..) do.  How about you hold everyone to the same standard.  Novel idea.

Pay particular attention to #8

An appology for Henessey huh? how about after charges are brought against him and his cohort Duncam, you apologize to us for all of your slander towards the firefighters and the union.  Stealing is a crime!  Just ask your God, he will tell you the same thing.  It doesn't matter if the person stealing is your friend or not, it is still a crime! 

On your next propaganda post I want you to answer one question for all of our readers to see:
If/when the Sheriffs department brings charges against Henessey for stealing the generator from station 2, will you then say you were wrong for defending Henessey and apologize to the firefighters and the union for slandering them? 

I'm guessing probably not, because the standards and values you keep holding the firefighters and "OUR" commissioners too you and your cronies don't answer too yourselves.

P.S. You keep calling yourself a tax payer in the district but according to you haven't paid your property taxes for the last year.  Must be a typo.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Duncam will roll on his buddy?? The value of the generator makes it grand theft in FL, which carries a hefty penalty!!
