Imagine the starwars theme playnig in the background and the credits scrolling away into the cosmos beginning with the title "A new beginning...". What do you think those credits would say? What would the story be? I can tell you how a fellow blogger would write that script.
It begins with the wonderful planet of SMFR where the weather is always perfect and the people are so nice. Then one day the evil union empire found this hapless planet and decided to move in and take over. They brainwashed the people of planet SMFR and turned them into their zombie servants! Seriously...? Ok, I'll play along for a minute. I would make a few small changes to the script if it were me considering, unlike my blogging counterpart, I was actually there!
First, you'd have to go back a whole lot further to the beginning, not episode 3 where the other blog begins. Before the evil emperor was, well you know, evil. He was at one time very well liked and respected. He knew how to shake babies and kiss hands like the best of them. Over time the chief, oops I meant the senator Palpatine, began to see how much power he actually had. He took that power and used it for his own benefit. He encompassed himself with people sensitive to the plight of his agenda. Meanwhile, the emperor was quietly vetting his predecessor Lord Vader until eventually, together, they became the most powerful force in the universe. They ruled the galaxy with an iron fist daring any of the hapless underlings to undermine they're rule.
Then comes in Luke. You all know who he is. He is the man who will bring balance to the force. His destiny was to end the evil emperors rule. He couldn't do this by himself though, he needed some help. He needed the rebellion. He understood that he couldn't take on the empire by himself and he needed the full resources the rebellion had to offer. Without Luke and the rebellion the people of planet SMFR could not stand up to the evil emperor without being frozen in carbonite like Hans Solo.
Ok, I'm sorry for dragging you through this ridiculous story. I hope you understand that this is not a story about the union or the chief. It's not even about the commissioners. This is solely about the firefighters of SMFR and their futures. When we brought the union in 2 years ago it wasn't because we wanted 50% raises, gold, jewelery and what ever the other blogger says we were trying to obtain. It was because we wanted some security in an economic environment that had none. We wanted the things that we currently had to remain the same and not lose it. We wanted the same luxury that our chief was enjoying....a contract. Nothing more.
I find it somewhat humorous, and hypocritical, that my fellow blogger defends the former chief who gashed this fire department for about $150K a year while he was there. Yet she complains about my meager $48k a year. But that's understandable because you are as you put it "un-biased". And who signed those fat contracts? Former commish Ranney and the rest of his cronies. But my fellow blogger says she wants fiscal responsibility. Where was she over the last 10 years when these commission board meetings were finished in under 20 mins? My guess is she didn't have much interest in it until the firefighters decided to challenge her neighbor, former commish. Ranney. again, she is un-biased.....whatever.
Well It's time for me to step back and listen to what you guys have to say. Please feel free to respond anonymously and openly. Oh and by the way, unlike my blogging counterpart, I won't filter the responses!!
Sure is nice to see the real truth. I can't wait for the investigation to finish, this way Hennessey and Ranney can post bail before the holidays.
ReplyDeleteFirst, you are such a nerd with the Star Wars story… More importantly, thank you for doing this. The opposing site’s author obviously has a connection within the department but several of her stories present half-truths and flat out lies. I truly don’t blame the author; I believe that she’s been misled by ill informed members of our department. Why she won’t post our comments and allow discussion is beyond me and that’s what this site is for. Again, thank you.
ReplyDeletePLEASE review the comments posted here. Make sure they are in good taste and respectful to the citizens (including misguided bloggers) of this district as well as the SMFR personnel.
Has anyone read the other bloggers website? according to her, the firefighters at the polls were from tampa & st pete. Really? Well if you were at the polls and proud, post something here and on her webite. In fact, lets flood hers with the real truth!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that the truth is coming out !!! I am also glad that this has not desrtoyed the idea that we the public have of the firefighter "brother hood". We teach our children from preschool age that you all are the "good guys"... I am glad that you are "cleaning house" so I can one day again be proud to tell my son his daddy is a hero !!
ReplyDeleteThis is the kind of brotherhood we need in the fire service. Vote Morgan for EMFR commissioner!
ReplyDeleteRe post at 6:29: I, a paid firefighter with SMFR, was at the polls proudly representing the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of this department. I am insulted that the anyone would imply otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see u guys replying to these accusations. I was personally offended when she said there were no SMFR firefighters at the polls. Not only was I there but so was my family. For a woman who claims to be a Christian, she sure does like to lie and spread rumors. Maybe shed lime to come into the station one day and actually sit down with the firemen and find out the truth instead of filling het head with the Ranney propaganda.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is a great sounding board for all of those who wish to voice their opinions. Even you Mrs. Willis.
P.s. I won't delete YOUR posts!
I really hope that this Luke character in this story isn't your guys DVP. Cause thats pathetic
ReplyDeleteIf you reference "Starwars" Luke was not a DVP. He was Anakin Skywalker's (aka Darth Vader) son. I don't think they had DVP's in starwars or unions for that matter! I could be wrong though, why dont you look into it for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks a mill
I just personally spoke to bob sweat. He stated he did make a similiar comment to debbi because she called and tried to complain about the firefighters at the polls. I bet if we campaigned for ranney she wouldn't have complained, more cheap shots at us. Anyway mr sweat did investigate the complaint and told debbi the firefighters were within their right. He also told me every firefighter he spoke too was very polite and in all the years, the SOE has never had an issue with firefighters campaigning. He also told debbi that not all the firefighters were from manatee county because there were some from northern counties campaigning outside our district, for other political offices. Obviously debbi isn't a fan of O'Reilly and the no spin zone. She took someones quote and rearranged it to suit her needs, that is pathetic!
ReplyDeleteWhere were you when "Ranney and his cronnies" were allowing Hennessey to get his payout that you don't agree with? You have a responsibility as a firefighter and taxpayer to be at the commission meetings and you have your 3 minutes of fame to tell your opposition! Why didn't you?
ReplyDeleteYou said "you wanted some security in an economic environment that had none". How does the union bring you that security when the money that funds the firedepartment comes from the taxpayers? If taxpayers are losing their jobs and are losing their houses, who are you getting the money from? I think the union is a waste of money and completely unnecessary!
ReplyDeleteYou have the guts to use a Bible verse to stand behind on this blog page? Are you a Christian? If you are a "christian" you are surely a poor example of one! Don't pick a Bible verse to stand behind unless you read the Bible every day and walk in the footsteps of Jesus!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Christians, How about that JR guy I hear he is already jumping ship. Every person prior to being his boss he has he has hated them like no other,talked behind there back, tried to get them in trouble, just flat out hated them. BUT then when they become his BOSS he is there best friend and has always like them. He is pathetic! and I must say after knowing him for over 20 years what a AS% H@##. He is the master of jumping ship now he likes the fireman and the new board members and just maybe they have been right all this time! Please pick a side and stay there I have more respect for someone that picks a side and stays there. Be careful JR as much as you jump that fence you are bound to fall and hurt yourself. Oh one more thing how do you JR go to church every Sunday and sleep at night? You fireman ROCK!!! out with the old and in with the new!!
ReplyDeleteThe bible verse is important because the "Truth" that you have blatently decided to ignore is right here in the posts and comments. I think before you start questioning me about wether I'm a christian or not, you should remove the plank from your own eye.
ReplyDeleteI think thats in the bible too.....
I would like to say THANK YOU Commish. Ranney for your 18 Years of dedicated service to the tax payers of this district and to the firefighters who blatenly don't care about you, even through you spent many of your holidays abandoning your family to deliever food and saying thank you to the firefighters that were away from their familys.
ReplyDeleteI actually agree with you and would also like to thank Commissioner Ranney for his service. I think that he was a great Commissioner for the first 14 or 15 years but he was led down the wrong path the past few years, as he has admitted.
I would like to also say thank you, but not to Ranney. I would like to thank Jerry Bennett for his 20 years of actual firefighting service. I'm sure Minortyfirefighter didn't shed any tears when Jerry got fired for doing his job. Minority is probably a good name for you since you obviously care more about the elected officilas of this department than you do about the guys standing next to you on the line.
ReplyDeleteYour right i didn't shed a tear when Jerry was fired. Maybe if he was a model employee then things would be different but, you cant change the fact he wasn't. Didn't they let him stay on 5 months after FMLA says they can terminate after 6 months. I did how ever tell him thanks for his years of service and helpping me be the firefighter I am today. When were we told to not question Admin or we would be fired? I don't remeber that memo, however i do remember all the times Jerry told me to do something and if I didn't he would write me up. so wheres your proof that this generator is being shared by Commish. Ranney and Hennessy, I have been invited to both there camps which by the way are about 1.5 miles apart (thats sure is alot of extension cords) and never seen that generator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletePlease remove the above comment. Personal attacks should not be tolerated on this site. TAKE THE HIGH ROAD! Brent, I appologize for whoever made these comments.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is not about personal attacks! Yes we poke fun at each other (Myself and Mrs. Willis)from time to time but this is meant to be educational (for Mrs. Willis) and humerous. Please respect each other and leave the personal attacks up to me! :-)
ReplyDeleteJohn 8:32 out!!!
Yes, Brent take the high road, I do not agree with those comments about you. However, I do believe there are some things you need to change to become an even better firefighter.
ReplyDeleteBrent, (minorityfirefighter)
ReplyDeleteThe comments were removed but sadly they were spot on accurate. Just remember, you earned people saying these things. That is who you are. Hopefully this won't be considered too offensive.
And BTW, is it not offensive to anyone else to hear Brent say he didn't shed a tear over Lt Bennett getting fired and the other crappy stuff he said????? If you are going to edit my comments because you're taking the high road, why don't you delete that little dirtbags comments about our brother? Jerry is our brother and Brent doesn't even know what that means.
ReplyDeleteAnd Brent, as usual, you're wrong about the FMLA. Also, I hope you learn to tell the truth about the generator when FDLE or MSO asks you and your daddy. Maybe you can all share a prison cell together. The TRUTH WILL COME OUT!!! The lights have been turned on and the cockaroaches are running for cover. P.S. There is proof. Oops! :)
ReplyDeleteI also heard that former Commish Ranney threatened a Battalion Chief by stating "you better do some damage control, or my son won't finish the Sept 11th memorial". Well Brad if you are that shallow to disrespect all those people public safety and civilians alike then let us know when and where we can pick up the steel. Someone as selfish and ignorant as you doesn't deserve to be in the same room as that metal!! And as the saying goes "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"!!
ReplyDeleteThe above comment by Ranney SR is CONFIRMED! I heard it from the BC he said it to. What do you think of that Mrs Willis?? Pathetic!!